Greater L'ton Plan: Mowbray Precinct Plan (2 Parts) See below the text

(See the two scrollable documents below the text section.) 

The Mowbray District Centre Precinct Plan 2013 draft version with its Key Strategies was published in July 2014 as an integral part of the high level Greater Launeston Plan July 2014. It was one of the three main components of the Greater Launceotn Plan (together with the Kings Meadows Precinct Plan and the Launceston Central Area Study) The Mowbray District Centre Precinct Plan combined with the Northern Suburbs plan also recommended and designed in stronger links with the University of Tasmania Mowbry-Newnham campus as can be seen in the copy of the plans below.  This was/is a high level plan based on thorough research and public consultation. But some time during 2016, it disappeared from the Launceston City Council's website, because it did not suit the Council management or the UTas management who were busy pushing their own plans to move to the tidal flats at Inveresk and Willis St.          (Note that some items in the Plan, such as a medical centre, have since been updated.)                                                                                                                                                                                  The Mowbray Distric Centre Precinct Plan and the Northern Suburbs section of the Greater L'ton Plan fitted hand in glove with the University's own high level ten-year Master Plans for the Mowbray-Newnham Campus (vol 3 of the 4 volume set that make up the UTas 10 year plans for Launceston, Burnie and Sandy Bay) . Like the Mowbray District Centre Plan, these thorough, well-designed and comprehensive plans for the Utas campuses have been pushed aside through hasty self-interested and illogical decision-making and replaced with extremely inferior marketing documents with no evidence base or quailty design. and are unworthy of a university. These UTas Master Plans can be seen at the link on this Networks Blog.

University of Tasmania Northern Campus Relocation - Evaluative Review of the Project